
Founded in 2000 by Peter Robbins and Chris Griesbach, and with a starting staff of just five, we began developing our first Procurement platform. From this, the application that became to be known as KnowledgeBus IT Edition was born; a system that still continues to save its users up to twenty four percent on their IT Procurement.

From these roots, momentum gained rapidly, in 2006 we started working with computer giant IBM to develop their Pre-Sales Advisor product, a system that today handles over a quarter of a million users per month and processes billions of dollars annually.

In 2007 we began development on our KnowledgeKube platform a data gathering and business process tool, identifying a fit within the insurance product marketplace we then progressed to create our dedicated Insurance Edition.

2008 then saw the adoption of KnowledgeKube Insurance Edition by market leader JLT helping to propel us into the insurance systems marketplace.

Mercato has continually grown year on year to a current staff of over seventy, our development solutions are utilised by a growing list of the world’s biggest blue-chips and we continue to change business processes for the better with our ongoing development of the Knowledge Platforms and Editions.

Mercato - For Better Business Process Transformation.